Honor a Teacher Program Raises More Than $1,600 for Teacher Grants

Thank you generous donors who honored your favorite teacher, coach, administrator or staff member who works for the Charleston Unit School District #1. The board members distributed scrumptious Kathy's Cookies and handwritten thank you letters to 43 appreciative employees. This netted over $1,600 for teacher grants that will be given out in the spring. A special thanks goes to Tim Hutti, Tim McCollum and Melanie Mills of the board who went above and beyond helping to make this first year fundraiser a success.

You can still give online to honor an employee of CUSD#1. They won't receive the cookies, but will receive an email that shares your thoughts. Click the Donate button for more information.

Jeanne Dau is EEF fundraising chair and teacher of the regional entrepreneurial class called ClassE. Please feel free to contact Jeanne at jeanne@dauconsultingservices.com to discuss the Honor a Teacher Program or other ways to give.

Jeanne Dau is EEF fundraising chair and teacher of the regional entrepreneurial class called ClassE. Please feel free to contact Jeanne at jeanne@dauconsultingservices.com to discuss the Honor a Teacher Program or other ways to give.

Winter Weather Brings out the Heart in All of Us

On this snow day, I am admiring the beautiful white landscape and listening to the howling wind. The wind isn't the only thing howling around Charleston. The State of Illinois budget impasse has everyone in education howling and wondering about how this will affect Charleston schools. This is when I know that now, more than ever, our job at the Excellence in Education Foundation is important and crucial to the quality of education for our students.

The EEF has looked at different ways to support our mission of enhancing education in our school district. Our first goal is to raise enough money and create a sustainable endowment of $500,000 so we can confidently give out $20,000 per year in grants. These grants are given to the teachers to buy equipment, pay for supplemental programming and encourage innovative new techniques in the classroom. We have to raise an additional $150,00 - $175,000 to achieve that goal. One and 1/2 years ago we had the first Homecoming Happening that raised approximately $25,000 toward that cause. Last fall, we sold fun pasta at the football games and on-line. Be on the lookout for our next project - "Thank a Teacher Program" coming this Spring. You will have the opportunity to thank a teacher and give to the foundation all in one wonderful act of giving.

But what can you do now? It's a snow day, so I challenge you to do the following:

  1. Like this blog and share it with all your friends on Facebook and Twitter and sign up to receive more blogs like this.
  2. Like the EEF page on Facebook.
  3. Consider giving by clicking on the "Donate" page and give what is in your heart.
This blog was submitted by Jeanne Dau, EEF Fundraising Chair

This blog was submitted by Jeanne Dau, EEF Fundraising Chair